Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I must admit the impetus for starting this blog - I am watching American Idol Gives Back and am feeling slightly pathetic about my life. Perhaps this is because I am an actor who doesn't really do much besides listen to myself and people around my complain about our careers, work out, worry about money, worry about what I look like, drink, eat, watch pointless tv ... you get the point. But can I really be so different than the person with a 9 to 5 that feels like he or she is trapped in an office, unable to touch the world?

Why is our generation so lazy? Why do we complain so much? Why is there so little action being taken? Of course, as I'm sure you will all tell me, there are exceptions. Well maybe with a little effort we can make those exceptions the norm. Maybe we can take back our power to help out - to feel like we are living with purpose. To help.

That being said ... to donate. In all honesty, I only put $20 on my credit card but hey, makes you sleep a little better. And who really needs that Starbucks for the week?


Bridget said...

must have been something in the water last night. b/c as i'm not an american idol fan, i did watch last night, and felt the need to donate. rock on.

Anonymous said...

i knew american idol was a force of good and not evil...Let's do something. :) Adam and I felt compelled as well. I'm in.

Anonymous said...

Auds - it's been, well lets be honest, probably years since last we talked but I just surfed over and was reading through your new blog page. I think it's great and it's great to hear your voice with passion behind it.

Hope you're doing well and hope to bump into you sometime soon in this little town of ours.